Riding Dirty – The Ride Before The Ride
I’m a bit tardy in getting around to writing this post. This…

Meeting such great people..
by: Eric Marcotte
Following a run through on the history of…

Through thick and thin..
by: Eric Marcotte
I'm here in Fayeteville, AR delayed for…

Up and Down
By: Christian Helmig
Or down and up, depending how you look…

Joe Martin Stage Race – Stage 4
Another near win for the crew. Eric sneaks in and finishes a…

Eric Marcotte win's stage 3 and Joseph rounding out the podium…

Racing at Home – Matrix Challenge
by, Tyler Jewell
Matrix day 1. The day started off eventful…

Mr. Schmalz getting a little air time..
so proud of our young joseph.. he's such a superstar! and…

JMSR Day2 – Joseph 9th
Joseph still rocking, ending up 9th today and up to 10th overall.…

Riding Dirty – A Long Road Ahead
In roughly a month I’ll be representing for Elbowz in something…

Day1 – Joe Martin Prologue
our young superstar, joseph schmalz, in the young rider jersey…

Tour of Hermann
by, Joseph Schmalz
I decided to head down to Hermann, Missouri…

Buy your very own Elbowz Racing clothing
Our clothing sponsor, Curve Clothing Inc., has been kind enough…

Train hard, recover hard
By, Christian Helmig
Everyone knows that you need to train…

My last week.. not final week.
by: Mat Stephens
Tuesday I went in to work for a bit, shook…

Euro Trip I
by: Christian Helmig
Our trip to Cali was fun but colder and…

When everything clicks….
by: Joseph Schmalz
San Dimas Stage 2 road race is a perfect…

Up’s & Down’s
by: Heath Blackgrove
Cycling's a funny old sport, full of…

lucky day 7.. well kinda.
So.. rough going over the past couple of days. Been in more…

Gettin’ it like Dale Junior
by: Sean "The Slasher" Sullivan
Just finishing up my preparations…

Gazzetta dello Sport @ YMR
Watch the video!
Gazzetta dello Sport at Yamaha Motor Rac…